Senin, 11 Juli 2011

Healthy Fruit Salad

Fruit salads are my favorite for any season, I personally do not wish to miss any seasonal fruit. Mango, Water melon, musk melon, are my favorite fruits in summer season. Water melon is rich in antioxidants and minerals, the refreshing smoothie made with just water melons & ice cubes makes me feel like being in heaven in this hot summer. I combined all the summer fruits with honey and gave it to my hubby he just munched on them. No snack can beat this salad on a hot day.
The fruits I used:
Water melon-de-seeded & chopped-1 cup
Musk melon- chopped-1/2cup
Sweet mango-washed, pealed & chopped-1/2cup
Black grapes-10 in number (halved)
Blueberries- 10 in number
Strawberry-2 in number
orange-pealed and diced-1 big
Dates diced-2 in number
Mix all the fruits in a big bowl and refrigerate them for 20-30min  by covering the bowl. Now take them out and add honey and serve. I bet you will love it.

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