Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

Rajma/ Kidney beans salad/chat

Rajma/kidney beans are a very good source of cholesterol-lowering fiber, as are most other beans. In addition to lowering cholesterol, kidney beans' high fiber content prevents blood sugar levels from rising too rapidly after a meal, making these beans an especially good choice for individuals with diabetes, insulin resistance or hypoglycemia. When combined with whole grains such as rice, kidney beans provide virtually fat-free high quality protein.
Kidney Beans nutritional profile: source: WHFoods

Kidney beans, cooked
1.00 cup
177.00 grams
224.79 calories
World's Healthiest
Foods Rating
molybdenum132.75 mcg177.014.2excellent
folate229.39 mcg57.34.6very good
tryptophan0.18 g56.24.5very good
dietary fiber11.33 g45.33.6very good
manganese0.84 mg42.03.4very good
protein15.35 g30.72.5good
iron5.20 mg28.92.3good
phosphorus251.34 mg25.12.0good
copper0.43 mg21.51.7good
potassium713.31 mg20.41.6good
magnesium79.65 mg19.91.6good
vitamin B1 (thiamin)0.28 mg18.71.5good
vitamin K14.87 mcg18.61.5good
World's Healthiest
Foods Rating
very goodDV>=50%ORDensity>=3.4ANDDV>=5%

Now coming to the recipe:
Rajma-1cup (100grms)
onions finaly chopped-1cup
Green chili-2 chopped
olive oil-2ts
cumin seeds -1/2tbsp
mustard seeds-1/2tbsp
salt too taste
Aamchur powder-1/2tea spoon
garlic cloves mashed-1/2tbsp
red chili powder to taste(1/4tbsp)

Soak kidney beans in water for atleast 1hr and cook them in a cooker by adding very little salt for 3 whistles. Let them cool down in a cooker and later remove the lid. If you do not have cooker, microwave  them or cook them in a vessel with water on a stove with closed lid. Be careful, do not over cook them. Now heat 2tbsp of oil in a pan and add cumin seeds and mustard seeds(optional), wait until they splatter then add half of the onions and fry them till they turn transparent under medium flame. Now add green chili & garlic and fry them. Add cooked kidney beans and saute them nicely.

Finally add remaining onions, aamchur powder little red chili powder and salt to taste. You can garnish with cilantro also. Now the rajma is ready to serve.

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