Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Vada with left over Idli batter- Andhra punugulu

It's rainy season in India, I wish I was there. I love having chaat/ deep fry foods in this season. I remember during my bachelors when I fish my college, me with my  gang used to rush to have street food. I don't know why? but, how many times I prepare this chaat a fresh in my home I will not get street taste. When I pose this Question to my mother she will say that street food is untidy, may be you find it tasty because of street dust in it (hehe!!! just kidding) but i love street food, I'm missing it!

Now coming to the recipe
Left over Idli batter (for recipe CLICK HERE)-3cups
Onions finely sliced-1/2cup
salt to taste
baking Powder-1/2ts

Heat enough oil in a pan for deep fry. Mix all the ingredients and take small dumplings with hand and drop them in oil, fry them till they attain golden brown color.

Enjoy this rainy season with cup of tae and wonderful snack.

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