Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

Utappam Omlete- Super fast breakfast & Diwali celebrations at my home

Hope you had a great Diwali!!!!
I'm postion pics of diwali celebration @my home.
Now a days people are very busy that they do not like spend much time for cooking. I am trying to make easy and tasty recipes that we can prepare in minutes on our busy days and from last few months I have been posting different kinds of easy and tasty recipes. you can have a look. I like this yummy utappam with omelet on top, this is the first attempt for me and I am happy that my hubby loved it. i would like to make it again and again. No need of any side dish for this breakfast such as chutney or sugar etc., I also love this recipe because it is made out of left over Idli batter. I feel this is the best way to use the left over batter. Hope you like it too!!!

Left over IDli batter-1 cup
Onions sliced-1/4cup
Pepper powder-1/4tbsp
salt to taste
water as required

Take the batter in a bowl and add water if required to make in to a dosa batter consistency. In another bowl break open the egg and add pepper powder, milk, onions, salt and beat well. Now heat a non stick pan, if your pan is not in a good condition do not worry, cut open an Onions and rub the cut surface on the pan. In this way you coat the pan with onion juice and pan becomes non stick. Take a laddle full of batter and pour it on the center of the pan and spread it in clockwise or anti clockwise direction to make it flat disc shape. you can add oil from side of it, while cooking , it is completely optional. If your tawa/pan is good then it will work woth out adding oil. If not oil is must, otherwise the batter will stick to pan.when the utappam is half cooked add the egg mix in top and spread all over it. When the utappam is turning to golden brown on bottom flip and cook it on the other side till it turns golden brown. Enjoy!!!!please leave your comments and follow my blog. hope to see you again.

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