Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Sweet Paratha with toor dal (Kandi pappu Bobbattu)

For this ugadi I made puran poli and bobattu with toor dal (Click here for Moong dal Version). I already shared Puran poli/Pappu purnam recipe(CLick here for recipe) with you, and now it is time to share Bobattu recipe. My mother used to prepare this for sure on every ugadi, making these kind of traditional recipes and having them will not only make us to follow our traditions, they will also evoke the beautiful memories bound with them. I would like to give the same tradition and culture to kids that my mother gave me (When I have kids though ).

For inner stuff (Purnam):
Jaggery (grated)/ Sugar -1 Cup
Toor dal (kandi pappu) / chana dal cooked -1 cup
Elachi (Cardamom) powder (Tip: grind by adding 2 spoons of sugar) -1/4 tea spoon.

For Chapati :
Maida - 1 cup
Rice flour -2 tea spoons
Sujii/ bombay ravva/ Upma ravva - 1 table spoon
water- 1 cup
salt - to taste
Plastic cover (Zip lock bag/ Aluminium foil)--->surface to roll the dough.
  1. Soak toor dal for about an hour and cook it in pressure cooker for 4 whistles.
  2. Jaggery + Dal + Elachi powder--> Grinder/ processor---> smooth paste
  3. 2 tbl spoon oil + all flours + salt ---> Mix well--->make like chapati dough (wait for 10min)
  4. Take a lemon size ball of dough--->keep some oil on plastic bag and roll the dough on the bag to make like chapati.
  5. Take a double the lemon size inner batter and wrap it with chapati. (now it should appear like boiled egg).
  6. Press gently with hand to make flat disc of DVD size.
  7. Heat pan and apply oil and fry the paratha on both sides.
  8. Serve with ghee (optional) and Enjoy with your loved ones.
Hope you like my recipe, please feel free to post your comments. They are very valuable for me, you can even subscribe by e-mail to my blog, the recipes will reach your inbox. ThanX for visiting my space. Please bookmark it to visit/ remember again.
 TIP: Similarly you can prepare with chana dal (Senaga Pappu) also. Just substitute toor dal with chana dal and follow same directions.

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