Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

Christmas Food Fair Event

 Christmas is the big festival here in America, every street and every home here is wonderfully decorated already. Its a holiday season too!! we find kids every where. Some like playing with snow and some love helping their mom in baking. You might have started baking for your loved one too, so dear friends please share your wonderful recipes and help others to find them easy and quickly at one place. This event starts today and continues till Jan 18th. you are free to add as many recipes as you wish, the recipes can be from your archives. 

Here is the procedure about how to link your recipes:

  1. Please link this event announcement with your entry, this is mandatory.
  2. Use of logo is mandatory, it helps to spread the word. 
  3. Multiple entries are allowed, archived are only allowed if reported and updated with this event link. 
  4. In the event of problem using linky you can email me the entry at foodblognews@gmail.com
Merry Christmas!!!Happy New Year!!!!!!Merry Christmas!!!Happy New Year!!!!!!Merry Christmas!!!!!!

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