Senin, 23 Mei 2011

super healthy Diet juice... best natural diet pill for weight loss

I feel summer is the fabulous time for weight loss.....well planned diet with liquids is the best solution to fight calories....Here I celebrate diet week with best tips for weight is

Super healthy juice for weight detoxifies your body....
should take every day for about a month along with your regular food diet...either in the morning or a regular time......drinking this juice only will not help in weight loss...u need to do exercise as well...if you are on diet include this juice in a diet you will find fabulous results...many of my friends including me hav tried this juice it works brought good charm in my face...itz rich in minerals, vitamins and fiber. 

Beat root---1/2
Carrot---1 large
Cucumber (kheera doskaya)--1/2
Mint leaves--few
lemon juice--2ts


  1. Grind beet root+carrot+cucumber+ mint leaves together and filter juice.
  2. Mix lemon juice and honey to the obtained juice mixture and enjoy.

If you like my recipe plz follow my blog and leave your valuable comments...that makes me happy :)

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