Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

Healthy Breakfast- Capsicum & Mushroom Franki

This is the flavorful recipe with the left over chapati/roti (Night dinner-Morning breakfast). You can do the same with corn/wheat tortilas. Before going to recipe, first I should tell you all about my sweet hubby, because of whom I've to try these kind of quick, easy, healthy and handy breakfast. Let me tell his best qualities,
1. He is very punctual (yeah! he will go to office at 8:15 though it is at 7:30)
2. He will get up very early (hehe!!! 7:00am)
3. He can look after his things on his own ( I'll just Iron his dress, keep it ready when he comes out of
    bathroom, brush his shoe, arrange his office files and key's),
4. He will never miss his breakfast (yeah! he will have it only on weekends!!!!, In weekdays if I make
    breakfast I'll just have to dump it!!!)
I think all the above qualities forced me to prepare these kind of handy recipes for breakfast, so that he can have it in car while driving to office. Now enough of my naughty hubby. Coming to recipe...

Ingredients:(Makes 2, serves one)
Onions finely chopped-1/4cup
Capsicum finely chopped-1/4cup
one big Mushroom-finely chopped
Red chili powder/ pepper powder-1tea spoon
Salt to taste
Milk-2table spoons
Olive oil-1table spoon


  • Heat 1tbsp of olive oil in a pan and add mushroom and capsicum and saute until they are half cooked under medium flame.
  • Meanwhile take onions in a cup and break open an egg. Add red chili powder/ pepper powder, milk and whisk together gently.

  • When the mushroom capsicum mixture is ready, bring the mixture to center and add egg mixture to it. Press tortilla/ roti on top of this mixture. Flip to cook on other side as well.

  • Roll this franki and cut it in the middle. Serve hot by squeezing little lemon juice on top. 

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