Minggu, 04 September 2011

Sorakaya/louki Rasam

Sorakaya is called as Bottle gourd in English. It is very much used in rasam, sambar than making curry or rasam. I love this charu, it tastes great with papadam. Now coming to the recipe.

Sorakaya cut to long pieces-10
Tamarind- one lemon size
Chopped onions-1/4cup
Green chillies-2
chopped cilantro-2t.s
Cumin seeds-1/2ts
Mustard seeds-1/2ts
Chana dal-1tbsp
Urad dal-1 tbsp
Salt to taste
Chili powder-1/2tbsp
Red chili-1
vegetable oil-2ts
Rasam powder-1/2tbsp(optional)
Coriander powder-1/2tbsp
chopped cilantro/coriander-10 springs
garlic-2cloves minced
Methi(fenu greek seeds/menthulu)-1/4tbsp

Soak tamarind in water for 15min and squeeze out water. Heat 2ts of oil in non stick pan and add red chili+cumin + mustard + methi seeds+chana + urad dal+ red chili and wait until they splutter. Add onions, garlic & green chili and saute until they the onions become transparent. Add turmeric and cook for few min and add sorakaya pieces and cook under medium flame until the pieces turn tender. Then add tamarind water, salt, coriander powder, rasam powder, chili powder and bring it to boil. When the mixture is well cooked then finally garnish with cilantro and turn off the stove. Now the Rasam is ready to serve. 
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